Hello!! My name is Leah Bevington and I’m an oil painter based in Omaha, Nebraska. My work is composed mostly of paintings created to convey the natural world through my eyes. I make these paintings by going out in the landscape and painting from life, also known as plein air painting. If I’m not out painting, I will work from still lifes and photographs in my studio. These paintings are made with big brushstrokes, lots of paint, and color to show the complexity of the world around us.

About the Artist

Why I paint :)

 I really started getting serious about my oil painting practice about 3 years ago, although creativity has always been very prevalent in my life. I like to think my creativity comes from growing up close to my grandfather who is a figurative sculptor and oil painter. He has always encouraged me and my family to be creative, and I am so lucky to have that influence in my life. Painting has given me so much joy and it’s such a special practice to me. I hope to be painting for a long time :)